Archive for the 'This Blog' Category


Sunday, October 23rd, 2005

This blog post is revolutionary for 2 reasons.

It’s the first time I’ve blogged from Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
It’s the first time I’ve blogged on an Apple iBook

It feels good, yo.


Saturday, October 22nd, 2005

Ludicrous, Incorporated is closed for business until Tuesday 25th October. Please leave a message after the tone and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

‘Tis a Proud Day

Tuesday, October 11th, 2005

I’ve just been looking at my referrer stats for Turns out I’m pretty popular on MSN Search, especially with adult content related searches. Veteran readers will know that this was also the case for my old blog on I often had visits from people looking for free Elisha Cuthbert porn, girl next door […]

Quick Update

Thursday, August 25th, 2005

Now when you post a comment to it’ll appear straight away without being moderated. I haven’t had any comment spam (yet) so this should be quite a safe move.

Update: Ok now it’ll appear straight away without being moderated :)

Say What?

Tuesday, June 21st, 2005

I’ll be switching on comments on some posts from now on. Feel free to comment, or not. I know I will be!

As a starting point I would like to hear - in your own unique words - how lame you think the lame Lotto ad is (because I know you all agree with me), so […]

A New Bloginning

Thursday, April 28th, 2005

This is what I needed. I’d completely run out of ideas for layouts, designs, headers, etc. for, so I got myself a superlicious new domain name and decided it would become my new blog. I’m not going to import all my old posts like I did when I moved from Blogger to WordPress. […]