Archive for August, 2005

Shout Out Louds

Sunday, August 28th, 2005

Introducing Shout Out Louds. They’re fucking great, ok. In fact I like them so much I’ve actually purchased their album instead of just downloading it from the dark side of the net. They’re a mixture of everything that is cool to listen to at the moment… Maximo Park, James Blunt, Kaiser Cheifs, Magic Numbers, Coral, […]

Quick Update

Thursday, August 25th, 2005

Now when you post a comment to it’ll appear straight away without being moderated. I haven’t had any comment spam (yet) so this should be quite a safe move.

Update: Ok now it’ll appear straight away without being moderated :)

The World Loves Google

Wednesday, August 24th, 2005

It’s true. The developed world cannot get enough of Google, and that’s why whenever Google launches a new service or piece of software nowadays it makes it onto the front page of the world’s top news websites.

This is all the more strange because Google Talk is (like most other Google services) still in beta.