Archive for the 'Geeky' Category

Drinkcold Desktop

Wednesday, November 9th, 2005

From Desktop:
Perhaps a handy program could be invented which automatically deleted your desktop contents every 14 days or something.
Start » Settings » Control Panel » Display » Desktop tab » Customize Desktop button. Down the bottom you can set it to “clean up” your desktop every 60 days. Not quite the same as deleting […]

Competition Time!

Monday, October 31st, 2005

Dudes and dudettes, it’s competition time here at Ludicrous HQ. The story goes that I have 2 hard drives in my PC which used to be called XP and Data, because one had Windows XP installed on it and the other was just for data. Now, however, they both have XP installed on them and […]


Monday, October 3rd, 2005

Rey’s been podcasting. They’re mostly crap yet somehow uncrap at the same time. My fave.

Did you know you can turn an ordinary pair of headphones into a microphone simply by plugging them into the microphone port of whatever you want to record into? My brother (no not you, the other one) told me this when […]


Tuesday, September 27th, 2005

Excuse me, very few of you will understand the next line.

Bon owns the code, yo

I might explain this at a later date, but I just had to get that off my chest :D

Impossibly Small

Wednesday, September 7th, 2005

Holy crap! Have Apple just launched the most desirable pocket gadget since the original iPod? Answer: Hell yeah!

There is a cool video of Steve Jobs announcing the nano here.

The World Loves Google

Wednesday, August 24th, 2005

It’s true. The developed world cannot get enough of Google, and that’s why whenever Google launches a new service or piece of software nowadays it makes it onto the front page of the world’s top news websites.

This is all the more strange because Google Talk is (like most other Google services) still in beta.

Windows Vista

Friday, July 22nd, 2005

Well done Microsoft, for picking a spectacularly bad name for your forthcoming operating system. Windows Vista, I simply cannot comprehend life without you. Win98 4eva!!!11
(via slowdown)