
Rey’s been podcasting. They’re mostly crap yet somehow uncrap at the same time. My fave.

Did you know you can turn an ordinary pair of headphones into a microphone simply by plugging them into the microphone port of whatever you want to record into? My brother (no not you, the other one) told me this when I was about 7. Try it. You get pretty crap sound quality but if it’s a life or death situtation (like maybe someone’s challenged you to a podcasting battle while standing at the bus stop, this happens to Rey all the time apparently), then I guess it could save your life. Or at least your credibility.

I was thinking of doing a podcast but I’m limited by several factors.

  1. My voice tends to sound high pitched whenever my voice is recorded.
  2. I don’t currently have a mic[rophone] and I don’t want to use the above mentioned method as it does sound terribly crap.
  3. Even if I did use the above mentioned method, it’s quite late and I don’t want to wake the father up and have him come into my room and see my talking into my headphones.
  4. I don’t have the Odeo Create function, so I’d have to record and edit and host the podcast using my own method.

I may buy a cheap mic[rophone] tomorrow and give it a whirl, see what happens. I got myself some pretty slick audio editing software off the world wide interweb a while back*, so this will be a good excuse for me to put it to use. Stand by for lo-fi indie tracks between discussions of my favourite Firefox extensions. Stand by for trance tracks between discussions of lo-fi indie tracks. Stand by for Boncasting™.

* Thanks to the wonderful world of open source, this was done 100% legally. As always.

3 Responses to “Boncasting™”

  1. Yam says:

    Bah, you drew attention to my podcasts!

  2. Bon says:

    Oh, er, sorry!

  3. Biz Stone says:

    What’s your Odeo username? I can give you access to the Create tools if you’d like to help us test them out.

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