Shout Out Louds

Introducing Shout Out Louds. They’re fucking great, ok. In fact I like them so much I’ve actually purchased their album instead of just downloading it from the dark side of the net. They’re a mixture of everything that is cool to listen to at the moment… Maximo Park, James Blunt, Kaiser Cheifs, Magic Numbers, Coral, with an added bit of David Gray, Travis, and possibly even The Verve for good measure. They’re nice and lively and won’t get you depressed like Coldplay will.

These people will like Shout Out Louds: Justin, Alex (do you even read this still?). These people may like Shout Out Louds: Ed, Joyce, Muf, Hazel. These people won’t like Shout Out Louds: Rey, Jay.

The best way to listen to their stuff is to download and watch the music videos which are way higher quality than the streaming Windows Media ASX crap. Let me know what you think!

8 Responses to “Shout Out Louds”

  1. Jay says:

    what makes you think i wont like it? off to the dark side i go to sample there musical-ness!

  2. Omid says:

    What’s their genre?? what’s their best hit???

  3. Bon says:

    Genre… hmm… probably retro indie punk. If that’s ever a genre. And their best hit, to my knowledge, is The Comeback.

  4. bro says:

    Check out the Cool Kids of Death - they’re cool, they’re kids, and they’re, erm, not dead. But they are Polish and they are fantastic.

    Don’t think you can buy it in this country yet :(

  5. Jay says:


  6. Bon says:

    Yeah Jay some people actually buy music. Fools!

    (Although the Shout Out Louds are worth it :P)

  7. Yam says:

    Sounds like crazy talk to me.

  8. Jay says:

    agreed, though i think your right, i wouldnt “buy” the album cause i doubt id like it! you’l have to load it to me one day. just pop round and drop it off!

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