IE 7: so much for Firefox

Rey linked to this article about Internet Explorer 7 which is entitled “IE 7: so much for Firefox”, from which the following quote is taken:

Firefox is great, I use it. But it’s a chore sometimes, what with most sites using that pesky nonstandard IE code.

WHAT. THE. FUCK? What is this mysterious “nonstandard IE code” that “most sites” are using?? I mean, seriously, what the fuck? That’s like… like… a butcher saying “It’s a chore sometimes, what with most people being pesky nonstandard vegetarians.” It’s just plain not true! Sure, there are a lot of vegetarians out there, but it’s certainly nowhere near being most people. It’s the same for websites, there are a lot which use “nonstandard IE code” but as a percentage of all websites, it’s a nominal amount.

I could go on for a very long time about this, but I’m just going to brush over a couple of points. The majority of sites which don’t work in, or are faulty when viewed with, Firefox are:

  • Those which use ActiveX, and how many sites do you visit nowadays that rely on ActiveX? I personally haven’t come across one in at least 6 months. Plus, there is a plugin available which will enable you to view pages with ActiveX if you wish.
  • Sites with bad JavaScript implementation, which again is very few sites nowadays.
  • Sites which are just plain really fucking poorly coded - but why would you want to look at these websites anyway? There are plenty more fish in the sea, as they say.

The author goes on to say the following (letter bulleting my own):

a) Why is there no way to check for updates from within the browser, for one thing? b) Why does it take so doggone long to launch? c) Why, why must it crash every single time I open a PDF? I mean, every single time.

My answers: a) This is just plain false. Go to Tools > Options > Advanced > Software Update. Bam! There you are. b) I’ve never had any problems myself, but I have heard other people complain about this - but mainly after your computer has either just booted or has been on for ages. You will find exactly the same problem with any substantial application in those situations, IE included. c) This is nothing to do with Firefox. PDF files are opened by a plugin which is written and distributed by a team at Adobe Systems Incorporated. Also, Ms. Author, there must be somethig wrong with your computer if Firefox crashes every single time you open a PDF. Sure, mine hangs for a few moments, but it doesn’t crash. You can make PDF files open in the Adobe Acrobat Reader application if you like, but I’ll still make your PC hang for a moment while the application starts up.

The author doesn’t limit her unreasonable complaints to Firefox, though. Now, I’m certainly no fan of Opera but this is harsh:

It’s too clunky, and I was raised on IE. I don’t want to learn something completely new.

Eh? Ok, Opera’s interface is cluttered and a little overwhelming at first, but you can get used to it. The basic functions are the same as any other web browser. There are Forward and Back buttons, Stop, Reload, etc. The address bar is pretty obvious. The tabs work in the same way as any other multi document interface application, such as Microsft Excel. There is lots more to Opera, but it takes a bit of learning just like any other program you install on your computer.

And I shall abruptly stop there because I could go on and on about this for ages, but it’s not good for my blood pressure. I just wish people who write for a living would get their facts right, and not write stupid and pointless articles. Sure, IE7 may pull back a few of the people who have migrated away to other browsers, but certainly not for any of the reasons above.

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