
So there’s this guy called Reyhan who links to used to link to links to this guy called Matthew who links to this guy called Mac. I started reading Mac’s blog but then he had some troubles with his server and has only just got it back up and running.

So, what happened was that after 133 days of blissful uptime, our beloved linux box, Shrieking, bit the proverbial dust. It wouldn’t boot, so we opened it up and found that half a year in a student kitchen had filled it with cooking grease. The moral of the story is “never put your server in a dirty kitchen”, something I think we could all learn from.

Anyway ’tis a good site and you should go read it. He juggles and chucks Poi (cool-looking stunt things which you spin around - similar to fire twirling) and he wants to join the circus, so I think that all adds up to guaranteed good reading! Also, I think this may well be the first time I’ve linked to a site with little dudes with balloons running round at the top :)

One Response to “ 2”

  1. says:

    […] and makes for an interesting read. He has the greatest domain name, He also linked me recently in a post similar to this, which made me smile all day so I thought I’d retur […]

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