Yo La Tengo, Nuclear War

Intro. Nuclear war, yeah. Nuclear war, yeah. Talkin’ about, yeah. Nuclear war, yeah. It’s a mother fucker! It’s a mother fucker! Don’t you know! Don’t you know! Talkin’ about, yeah. Nuclear war, yeah. It’s a mother fucker, don’t you know, they push that button, your ass got to go! Talkin’ about, yeah. Nuclear war, yeah. They push that button, they push that button, your ass got to go, your ass got to go! It’ll blast you! So high in the sky! Gonna blast you, so high in the sky! You can kiss your ass goodbye!

This song is groovy, it’s weird (ie. it wouldn’t get played on daytime radio), it rocks, and it’s nearly 8 minutes long. Yay! Go get it people - then check out Yo La Tengo on Epitonic.com!

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