WordPress Plugin: Sign Out Reminder

Latest version: 0.2 – Released 26 July 2008


This is a very straight forward plugin. It simply displays to every user who logs in a reminder to log out once they’ve finished using the admin interface. It’s not going to guarantee that anyone logs out, but if the users of your blog are likely to be logging in on public computers then it serves as a handy reminder. See the screen shot below:

A reminder to sign out displayed by the Sign Out Reminder plugin for WordPress


This plugin requires WordPress 2.0.2 or later. Download the plugin using the link at the bottom of this page, unzip it and drop the signoutreminder folder straight into your wp-content/plugins directory. Activate it from WordPress’ Plugin panel, then log out and log back in to see it in action.


ZIP file from downloads.wordpress.org

Any comments, questions, queries, suggestions, complaints, etc, please leave a comment below!


0.2: Change terminology to ‘Log Out’ instead of ‘Sign Out’
0.1: Initial release

4 thoughts on “WordPress Plugin: Sign Out Reminder

  1. thank you for your plugin! i was searching a lot for this solution and hopefully a found it! i’m so forgetful and this help me a lot!

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