Tag Archives: magpierss

WordPress Plugin: MagpieRSS Hotfix for Enclosure Support and Character Encoding Issues

Latest version: 1.2 – Released 16th December 2008


This hotfix adds support for RSS enclosures to MagpieRSS, the RSS parser behind the fetch_rss() function in WordPress. It also forces MagpieRSS to use UTF-8 character encoding, which fixes some issues with feeds that contain non-ASCII characters.

Is this plugin for me?

This plugin is only going to be of use to you if:

  1. You are fetching feeds on your blog with the fetch_rss() function and want to parse enclosures contained in the feed; or
  2. You are fetching feeds on your blog either with the RSS Sidebar Widget or with fetch_rss() and question marks are showing up somewhere in the feed where special characters are supposed to be.


  1. Unzip the ZIP file and drop the folder straight into your wp-content/plugins directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. That’s it! You can now parse enclosures contained in feeds fetched by WordPress.


ZIP file from downloads.wordpress.org


For FAQs, including how to parse enclosures in your feed, please see the plugin’s FAQ page on wordpress.org.

Any comments, questions, queries, suggestions, complaints, etc, please leave a comment!